
The Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club (EZARC) was established in 1938 and uses the licenced club callsign of VK3BEZ. EZARC covers a large area of Gippsland and beyond, from outside Melbourne spanning east hundreds of kilometres to the Victorian border. EZARC also owns and maintains infrastructure throughout the region including many repeaters and beacons.

Like many amateur radio clubs, the club was created to foster the interests and skills of likeminded individuals as well as promoting the sharing of knowledge among other club members and the community. Today the club serves the same purpose but has evolved to include new technologies and provides a contemporary and social environment for members to interact from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Amateur radio is a diverse hobby and the club supports a wide range of interests and activities, some of which include:

  • HF Radio operation on all bands from 1.8 MHz thru to 30 MHz & 50 MHz
  • VHF & UHF operation on SSB using Voice, Digital Modes, Aircraft enhancement & EME modes, also FM voice
  • SHF operation on 1296 MHz, 2400 MHz, 3400 MHz, 5700 MHz, 10 GHz, 24 GHz
  • APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System)
  • Amateur Satellite Operation
  • Home Brew manufacture of equipment
  • WICEN operation (Wireless Institute Civil Emergency Network)
  • D-STAR repeater VK3RTY on 439.9875 MHz negative offset
  • D-STAR hot spot (We have VK3NUG on 145.725 MHz. This hotspot is connected to REF001 (the London reflector). Please feel free to use all of these systems whenever you desire.)

If any of the above is of interest to you or if you are interested in learning more about amateur radio, we encourage you to contact us to find out more. We warmly welcome visitors and new members and we conduct tailored training if you are not yet licensed but are interested in doing so. Please go to the Contact page to access club contact information.

President Peter Freeman VK3PF
Vice President Dean Webster VK3NFI
Secretary Stuart Lenthall VK3SGL
Treasurer Tom Corrigan VK3QZ
General committee Ralph Edgar VK3WRE
General committee John Morrissey VK3ZRX
General committee Daniel Prowse VK3GV
Repeaters and Beacons Ralph Edgar VK3WRE
Training and Assessments Stuart Lenthall VK3SGL